Most of the duties of employer are labours right such as:



Minimum wages,

Timely wages

Any other lawful benefit as bonus, gratuity, etc

Fixed working hours

Paid holidays and leave

Equal pay for men and women

Opportunity before punishment

Compensation etc;

These are already discussed in detail during Employers duties.

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There are many rights, to Employer. Some of them are given below.


1.         RIGHT TO TAKE WORK: - The biggest right of employer is to take lawful work from their employees. The main purpose of giving employment is to get work done by employees.


2.         RIGHT OF LAWFUL ORDERS: -An employer has right to issue lawful order to employees and employees are bound to obey those orders. Employees cannot work in negligent and inefficient manner respect.


3.         RIGHT OF CAREFUL AND EFFICIENT WORK- An employer has right of careful and efficient work from employees.


4.         TERMS OF EMPLOYMENT: - An employer has right to take worker use any power /Authority according to terms and condition of employment.


5.         DEDUCTIONS FOR LATE AND ABSENTEEISM: - Employer has right to deduct wages on account of late coming and absenteeism of employee. The minimum wages Act and payment of wages Act have main provisions for this.


6.         NO. WORK NO PAY: - An employee is entitled for payment only if he works. In case an employee do not work e.g., strikes, go-slow etc. The Employer has right to pay him nothing, for not doing work. This right is not applicable if employee presents himself for work but Employer fails to give him any work.


7.         RESPECT: - It is the right of employer of respected behaviour from employees. No employee can use abusive language or assault or attempt to assault on employer


8.         PUNISHMENT: - An employer has right to punish wrong doer [misconduct] employee. He has to give a reasonable opportunity to employee to defend before awarding any punishment.


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